(Length: 33 minutes)
Kathrin Bussmann is the product of German parents who immigrated to Quebec, the French-speaking part of Canada.
She is the Founder of Verbaccino, a Toronto-based international marketing consultancy that helps businesses leverage today’s global, social, multilingual marketplace.
Kathrin is also the creator and regular host of The Worldly Marketer Podcast, the weekly audio show that explores how even small brands can go global in the Digital Age.
Kathrin is a founding member of the Canadian Association of Marketing Professionals (CAMP).
- Article: « Marketing in Canada: Officially Bilingual, Proudly Multicultural »
- Article: « Canadian Potential: Québec and Beyond »
- OECD’s Better Life Index statistics for Canada
- Canada’s ranking on the UNDP’s Human Development Index
- The Reputation Institute’s Country RepTrak reports
- Wikipedia entry on Canada’s Official Languages Act of 1969
- Canadian Competition Bureau info on Consumer Packaging and Labelling
- Statistics Canada homepage
- Wikipedia entry on Canadian English
- Quebec’s Charter of the French Language
- PDF document: The ABCs of Québec’s Language Policy
- Information on Language Laws and Doing Business in Quebec
- Podcast #025: National Pride, Creativity and the French Language of Quebec
- SlideShare: Digital in 2016 statistics for Canada (compiled by We Are Social)
- Digital usage data for Canada compiled by Internet World Statistics
- Article: Internet Users in Canada Love and Fear Social Media (eMarketer)
- Report: The Mobile Economy of North America 2016 by GSMA Intelligence
- Website of the Canadian Association of Marketing Professionals (CAMP)
- Kathrin on LinkedIn
- Kathrin on Twitter
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