TWM 129: How Real-Time Local Insights Are Helping Today’s Brands Go Global w/ Phil Ahad

(Length: 30 minutes)

Phil Ahad is the Executive Vice President, Head of Products and Strategy at Toluna, a leading digital insights company headquartered in Paris.

Since its founding in the year 2000, Toluna has grown from a one-person operation to a global company of more than 1,200 staff in 21 offices on 4 continents. Its mission is to help companies around the world make clearer business decisions by bringing brands and people together via a streamlined research platform and the world’s largest social-voting community.

Based in the Washington, D.C. area, Phil is a digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience. He first joined Toluna in 2012, and after serving in a couple of different senior leadership positions there, he took on his current role in 2017.

Phil is passionate about identifying first-look technology and trends that innovate companies, industries and business concepts. And he has a broad range of experience in digital product leadership and marketing focusing on automation and disruption across all industry types.

Catch Phil’s insights on how real-time, in-market knowledge is the key to going global and staying competitive in today’s fast-paced consumer market.




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