What do successful global brands have in common? At their core, they see foreign markets as an opportunity, and they choose to invest in their global growth. They understand that,
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Three Things to Think About Before Going Global

What do successful global brands have in common? At their core, they see foreign markets as an opportunity, and they choose to invest in their global growth. They understand that,
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Have you been following climate news stories lately? It’s kind of hard not to, if you follow the news at all. Parts of the planet are on fire, others are
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One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2021 was to read more books. Non-fiction as well as fiction, business-related or otherwise. Somehow, I had gotten out of the habit of
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In a previous blog post, I listed 10 websites that I would recommend to any marketing professional or business owner who is looking for a more international perspective. Of course, that list was not meant to be exhaustive. So here are 10 more resources that I highly recommend and are definitely worth bookmarking.