
The Worldly Marketer Podcast with Kathrin Bussmann - an interview-style audio show about global marketing issues

The Worldly Marketer Podcast brings you valuable insider perspectives on what it takes to grow a global brand in today’s digital, social, multilingual marketplace.

Today, businesses of all sizes can build an international brand presence through the savvy use of content, localization, and digital channels. In this interview-style podcast, Kathrin Bussmann talks with a variety of experts in the global business and global marketing space. Tune in to learn about the challenges and the rewards of reaching out to a multi-regional, multilingual, and multi-cultural audience. And get a better understanding of what it takes to build a successful global brand in the Digital Age.

Launched in 2016, The Worldly Marketer Podcast has been a leading independent audio show focused on international and global marketing topics, and the proud winner of the Think Global Awards 2019 Community Award.

Browse this Episode Guide, or click on any episode titles, below, to go directly to the show notes and audio link. You can also listen via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and other popular podcast apps.

Too many episodes to choose from? Start here:
Green & Global: Thought Leaders On Scaling Sustainable Solutions

List of Episodes

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This podcast is a Verbaccino production. Check out Verbaccino’s strategic marketing services today.